3 of Swords

When thinking about which scents I wanted to release for February this year, I knew I wanted to bring back the scent from 2023, the Lovers, but that I also wanted an anti-Lovers scent.

The 3 of Swords fit the bill.

Some tarot cards are shrouded in mysterious imagery that you have to pick apart and interpret. Not the 3 of Swords. A heart with 3 swords piercing it? Yea, that’s pretty self explanatory.

The 3 of Swords represents heartbreak. And often at the hands of someone you love. It’s a betrayal of the highest order. It hurts. It sucks. And there’s no getting around it. There’s no magic wand for the 3 of Swords. No bandage that will stave the bleeding from the heart that was ripped clean from your chest.

The 3 of Swords indicates that someone or something in your life has let you down in a major way. The loss you feel is deep and painful. The only way to get through these feelings is to sit with them. Truly feel them. And then allow yourself to have an emotional release. Cry, scream, whatever you need to let it out.

In reverse, the 3 of Swords indicates that there might be some negative self talk happening that we need to get past. Or that maybe we need to grow a thicker skin.

Taking all of this into account, I decided that I wanted the 3 of Swords to smell like sitting on your couch and crying into a tub of ice cream. Because, is there a better way to get over heartbreak?

With notes of pistachio ice cream, salted caramel and vanilla; the 3 of Swords is truly a gourmand lovers dream. I. Am. Obsessed. I hope you love it as much as I do.

If you want to really get into the 3 of Swords vibe, checkout my playlist and mood board.

Of course there’s even more to learn about the 3 of Swords than what I’ve outlined for you here, and I’ll be sure to share my recs for books, websites, etc. in an upcoming blog.




The Lovers


Learning Tarot through the Senses